has extensive experience in providing legal training for different
institutions and/or groups of individuals in Kosovo. The main activities
are as follows:
Legal Clinics
its efforts to support the Law Faculty of University of Pristina
(LFUP) and the Law Faculty of University of Mitrovica (LFUM), KLC
has organised and conducted a number of Practical Legal Clinics.
These clinics emphasize the application of theoretical legal knowledge to practical problems and legal questions. Students develop their practical legal skills through the drafting of legal memoranda, such as indictments, verdicts and appeals. Clinics have been organized in three main modules: Criminal Law, Civil Law and Administrative Law, with lectures held at both LFUP and LFUM. During these clinics, students conduct mock trials, under the supervision of legal experts.
These clinics emphasize the application of theoretical legal knowledge to practical problems and legal questions. Students develop their practical legal skills through the drafting of legal memoranda, such as indictments, verdicts and appeals. Clinics have been organized in three main modules: Criminal Law, Civil Law and Administrative Law, with lectures held at both LFUP and LFUM. During these clinics, students conduct mock trials, under the supervision of legal experts.
also plans to extend its previous experience in organizing Practical
Legal Clinics for LFUP by moving beyond the classroom, and involving
Kosovo's legal institutions directly in the educational process.
In this regard, KLC hopes to conclude agreements with institutions
such as Courts, Public Prosecutors Offices, Chamber of Advocates,
and Prisons, to host LFUP and LFUM students. This would provide
law students the opportunity to experience what it is like to practice
law in these institutions.
Contact person: klodiana.pura@klc.ipko.org
Continuing Legal Education for Civil Servants
Contact person: klodiana.pura@klc.ipko.org
Continuing Legal Education for Civil Servants
project involves implementing legal education training for civil
servants in Kosovo's municipalities, and assisting the municipalities
in shaping and realizing their agenda for legislative local government
reform. In order for good governance to take hold, it is crucial
to foster more responsive, effective and efficient local administration.
The CLE project is designed to provide a forum for discussing and
addressing, and hopefully resolving some of the questions and difficulties
that have arisen in the application of Kosovo's Administrative Law.
implementing applicable administrative law the CLE project aims
to focus on both an improvement of the theoretical legal knowledge
of trainees and a development of their practical skills. The experts
teaching the sessions were selected by KLC, and include Kosovar
legal professionals such as law professors, layers and senior officers.
plans to conduct approximately 96 sessions within ten modules on
legal subjects such as Organization of Public Administration and
Functions, Administrative Acts and Administrative Procedures, The
Applicable Law on Civil Service in Kosovo, and Regulation No 36/2001and
UNMIK/Regulation/2000/45 On Self-Government of Municipalities in
the project is being implemented with the active participation of
the legal officers from 24 municipalities, and in close co-operation
with The Kosovo Institute for Public Administration (KIPA) and the
OSCE Democratisation Department.
person: naser.ashimi@klc.ipko.org
training for the Kosovo Protection Corps
Legal Training for the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) project helped
provide KPC legal officers with basic information of constitutional
law, human rights, humanitarian law, as well as other basic principles
of the legal system.
training sessions focused on the key legal and human rights issues
applicable to the duties and functions of the KPS. This training
focused on the applicable law in Kosovo, and also included discussions
and explanations of international law and principles applicable
to the topic areas.
project concluded in Summer 2003.
( http://www.kosovolawcenter.org/english/ )
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